Page 32 - Zip-NVR-Quick-Start-Guide
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How To - Configure Port Forwarding
Easy-Fit IP
Easy-Fit IP CCTV
Easy-Fit IP
Easy-Fit IP CC
UPnP - Automatic Port Forwarding Manual Port Forwarding
The easiest way to configure port forwarding is to use If UPnP did not work then we will have to manually enter
UPnP automatic port forwarding. If this works then you do the port forwarding in the router.
not need to access the router setup.
1 Enter the Main Menu of the NVR. Select ‘Setup‘ and 1 Go to On the side menu
then click the ‘Network’ tab on the left hand side. Check choose ‘List of all Routers’. Select the manufacturer and
model of the your router.
‘Autoport UPnP’ and click ‘Save’.
Easy-Fit IP
Easy-Fit IP CCTV
Easy-Fit IP
Easy-Fit IP CC
2 On a PC open up a web browser and go to 2 Scroll down to ‘step 4‘ and choose ‘D-Link DCS-930L‘ from In the Zip NVR port checker the list of programs. Follow the guide changing the three
click ‘Use This IP’ to enter your IP address. Check the
ports are correct and then click ‘Test Now’. If the ports port numbers it suggests to the port numbers you are
using (80, 1240 and 8240 by default). The IP address you
it IP
it IP
it IP CC
show open then we are finished, if not you will need to are forwarding to is the NVR’s IP address (
uncheck ‘Autoport UPnP’ and click ‘Save’.
by default). Once completed test the port forwarding as
explained in step 2 for ‘UPnP - Automatic Port Forwarding’.
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